Women have been contributing to the development of science and technology throughout the ages. Although the very first technical name recorded was male – Imhotep, the architect of the first pyramid, the second – was female, En Hedu Anna, a chief astronomer, around 24th century BC. Theano of Crotona, who run the Pitagorian school for over 30 years, contributed significantly to progress of mathematics. Maria Agnesi wrote the first book on both differential and integral calculus.
Ada Lovelace developed the first algorithm for a mechanical computer, Maria Sklodowska Curie pioneered research on radioactivity. Hedy Lamarr, an actress, invented and patented spread spectrum communication techniques during WWII on which modern CDMA, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless technologies are based. Mildred Spiewak Dresselhous created basis for New Materials Age with contributions to graphite intercalation compounds, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and low-dimensional thermoelectrics.
And there were many, many others women without whom the Technology and Engineering would have never been the same!
Women now have access to education and career, unlike in the past. However women still form too small part of E&T workforce in most countries, and do not advance through the ranks as fast as their male colleagues. Mentoring, training in leadership skills, innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as flexible working conditions are needed to improve the situation.
If you are women in a mid or senior position, then the IEEE Global Congress is for you. Networking opportunities with successful leaders of industry and academia, presentations, discussion forums or workshops will inspire you and give your career a lift.
See you in Bangalore on the 24th August 2016.
Janina Mazierska
IEEE WIE Global Summit Chair 2016
IEEE Director 2007-2008